In principle, any Flux
model can be used to construct the neural network (see the Gridded data example). To integrate it into the workflow, one need only define a method that transforms -dimensional vectors of data sets into matrices with columns, where the number of rows corresponds to the dimensionality of the output spaces listed in the Overview.
The following high-level modules are often used when constructing the neural network. In particular, the type DeepSet
serves as a convenient wrapper for embedding standard neural networks (e.g., MLPs, CNNs, GNNs) in a framework for making inference with an arbitrary number of independent replicates, and it comes with pre-defined methods for handling the transformations from a -dimensional vector of data to a matrix output described above.
— TypeDeepSet(ψ, ϕ, a = mean; S = nothing)
(ds::DeepSet)(Z::Vector{A}) where A <: Any
(ds::DeepSet)(tuple::Tuple{Vector{A}, Vector{Vector}}) where A <: Any
The DeepSets representation (Zaheer et al., 2017; Sainsbury-Dale et al., 2024),
where 𝐙 ≡ (𝐙₁', …, 𝐙ₘ')' are independent replicates of data, ψ
and ϕ
are neural networks, and a
is a permutation-invariant aggregation function.
The function a
must operate on arrays and have a keyword argument dims
for specifying the dimension of aggregation (e.g., sum
, mean
, maximum
, minimum
, logsumexp
objects act on data of type Vector{A}
, where each element of the vector is associated with one data set (i.e., one set of independent replicates), and where A
depends on the chosen architecture for ψ
. As a rule of thumb, when A
is an array, replicates are stored in the final dimension. For example, with gridded spatial data and ψ
a CNN, A
should be a 4-dimensional array, with replicates stored in the 4ᵗʰ dimension. Note that, when using Flux
, the final dimension is usually the "batch" dimension, but batching with DeepSet
objects is done at the data-set level (i.e., sets of replicates are always kept together).
For computational efficiency, array data are first concatenated along their final dimension (i.e., the replicates dimension) before being passed into the inner network ψ
, thereby ensuring that ψ
is applied to a single large array, rather than multiple small ones.
Expert summary statistics can be incorporated as
where S
is a function that returns a vector of user-defined summary statistics. These user-defined summary statistics are provided either as a Function
that returns a Vector
, or as a vector of functions. In the case that ψ
is set to nothing
, only expert summary statistics will be used. See Expert summary statistics for further discussion on their use.
Set-level inputs (e.g., covariates) can be passed directly into the outer network ϕ
in the following manner:
or, when expert summary statistics are also used,
This is done by calling the DeepSet
object on a Tuple{Vector{A}, Vector{Vector}}
, where the first element of the tuple contains a vector of data sets and the second element contains a vector of set-level inputs (i.e., one vector for each data set).
using NeuralEstimators, Flux
# Two data sets containing 3 and 4 replicates
d = 5 # number of parameters in the model
n = 10 # dimension of each replicate
Z = [rand32(n, m) for m ∈ (3, 4)]
# Construct DeepSet object
S = samplesize
dₛ = 1 # dimension of expert summary statistic
dₜ = 16 # dimension of neural summary statistic
w = 32 # width of hidden layers
ψ = Chain(Dense(n, w, relu), Dense(w, dₜ, relu))
ϕ = Chain(Dense(dₜ + dₛ, w, relu), Dense(w, d))
ds = DeepSet(ψ, ϕ; S = S)
# Apply DeepSet object to data
# With set-level inputs
dₓ = 2 # dimension of set-level inputs
ϕ = Chain(Dense(dₜ + dₛ + dₓ, w, relu), Dense(w, d))
ds = DeepSet(ψ, ϕ; S = S)
X = [rand32(dₓ) for _ ∈ eachindex(Z)]
ds((Z, X))
— TypeGNNSummary(propagation, readout)
A graph neural network (GNN) module designed to serve as the inner network ψ
in the DeepSet
representation when the data are graphical (e.g., irregularly observed spatial data).
The propagation
module transforms graph data into a set of hidden-feature graphs. The readout
module aggregates these feature graphs into a single hidden feature vector of fixed length. The network ψ
is then defined as the composition of the propagation and readout modules.
The data should be stored as a GNNGraph
or Vector{GNNGraph}
, where each graph is associated with a single parameter vector. The graphs may contain subgraphs corresponding to independent replicates.
using NeuralEstimators, Flux, GraphNeuralNetworks
using Flux: batch
using Statistics: mean
# Propagation module
r = 1 # dimension of response variable
nₕ = 32 # dimension of node feature vectors
propagation = GNNChain(GraphConv(r => nₕ), GraphConv(nₕ => nₕ))
# Readout module
readout = GlobalPool(mean)
# Inner network
ψ = GNNSummary(propagation, readout)
# Outer network
d = 3 # output dimension
w = 64 # width of hidden layer
ϕ = Chain(Dense(nₕ, w, relu), Dense(w, d))
# DeepSet object
ds = DeepSet(ψ, ϕ)
# Apply to data
g₁ = rand_graph(11, 30, ndata = rand32(r, 11))
g₂ = rand_graph(13, 40, ndata = rand32(r, 13))
g₃ = batch([g₁, g₂])
ds(g₁) # single graph
ds(g₃) # graph with subgraphs corresponding to independent replicates
ds([g₁, g₂, g₃]) # vector of graphs, corresponding to multiple data sets
— TypeMLP(in::Integer, out::Integer; kwargs...)
A traditional fully-connected multilayer perceptron (MLP) with input dimension in
and output dimension out
The method (mlp::MLP)(x, y)
concatenates x
and y
along their first dimension before passing the result through the neural network
. This functionality is used in constructs such as AffineCouplingBlock
Keyword arguments
depth::Integer = 2
: the number of hidden layers.width::Integer = 128
: the width of each hidden layer.activation::Function = relu
: the (non-linear) activation function used in each hidden layer.output_activation::Function = identity
: the activation function used in the output layer.
User-defined summary statistics
The following functions correspond to summary statistics that are often useful as user-defined summary statistics in DeepSet
— Functionsamplesize(Z::AbstractArray)
Computes the sample size of a set of independent realisations Z
Note that this function is a wrapper around numberreplicates
, but this function returns the number of replicates as the eltype of Z
, rather than as an integer.
— Functionsamplecorrelation(Z::AbstractArray)
Computes the sample correlation matrix, R̂, and returns the vectorised strict lower triangle of R̂.
# 5 independent replicates of a 3-dimensional vector
z = rand(3, 5)
— Functionsamplecovariance(Z::AbstractArray)
Computes the sample covariance matrix, Σ̂, and returns the vectorised lower triangle of Σ̂.
# 5 independent replicates of a 3-dimensional vector
z = rand(3, 5)
— TypeNeighbourhoodVariogram(h_max, n_bins)
Computes the empirical variogram,
where is the set of pairs of locations separated by a distance within , and denotes set cardinality.
The distance bins are constructed to have constant width , chosen based on the maximum distance h_max
to be considered, and the specified number of bins n_bins
The input type is a GNNGraph
, and the empirical variogram is computed based on the corresponding graph structure. Specifically, only locations that are considered neighbours will be used when computing the empirical variogram.
using NeuralEstimators, Distances, LinearAlgebra
# Simulate Gaussian spatial data with exponential covariance function
θ = 0.1 # true range parameter
n = 250 # number of spatial locations
S = rand(n, 2) # spatial locations
D = pairwise(Euclidean(), S, dims = 1) # distance matrix
Σ = exp.(-D ./ θ) # covariance matrix
L = cholesky(Symmetric(Σ)).L # Cholesky factor
m = 5 # number of independent replicates
Z = L * randn(n, m) # simulated data
# Construct the spatial graph
r = 0.15 # radius of neighbourhood set
g = spatialgraph(S, Z, r = r)
# Construct the variogram object with 10 bins
nv = NeighbourhoodVariogram(r, 10)
# Compute the empirical variogram
In addition to the built-in layers provided by Flux, the following layers may be used when building a neural-network architecture.
— TypeDensePositive(layer::Dense; g::Function = relu, last_only::Bool = false)
Wrapper around the standard Dense layer that ensures positive weights (biases are left unconstrained).
This layer can be useful for constucting (partially) monotonic neural networks.
using NeuralEstimators, Flux
l = DensePositive(Dense(5 => 2))
x = rand32(5, 64)
— TypePowerDifference(a, b)
Function for trainable parameters a ∈ [0, 1] and b > 0.
using NeuralEstimators, Flux
# Generate some data
d = 5
K = 10000
X = randn32(d, K)
Y = randn32(d, K)
XY = (X, Y)
a = 0.2f0
b = 1.3f0
Z = (abs.(a .* X - (1 .- a) .* Y)).^b
# Initialise layer
f = PowerDifference([0.5f0], [2.0f0])
# Optimise the layer
loader = Flux.DataLoader((XY, Z), batchsize=32, shuffle=false)
optim = Flux.setup(Flux.Adam(0.01), f)
for epoch in 1:100
for (xy, z) in loader
loss, grads = Flux.withgradient(f) do m
Flux.mae(m(xy), z)
Flux.update!(optim, f, grads[1])
# Estimates of a and b
— TypeResidualBlock(filter, in => out; stride = 1)
Basic residual block (see here), consisting of two sequential convolutional layers and a skip (shortcut) connection that connects the input of the block directly to the output, facilitating the training of deep networks.
using NeuralEstimators
z = rand(16, 16, 1, 1)
b = ResidualBlock((3, 3), 1 => 32)
— TypeSpatialGraphConv(in => out, g=relu; args...)
Implements a spatial graph convolution for isotropic spatial processes (Sainsbury-Dale et al., 2025),
where is the hidden feature vector at location at layer , is a non-linear activation function applied elementwise, and are trainable parameter matrices, is a trainable bias vector, denotes the indices of neighbours of , is a (learnable) spatial weighting function, denotes elementwise multiplication, and is a (learnable) function.
By default, the function is modelled using a PowerDifference
function. One may alternatively employ a nonlearnable function, for example, f = (hᵢ, hⱼ) -> (hᵢ - hⱼ).^2
, specified through the keyword argument f
The spatial distances between locations must be stored as an edge feature, as facilitated by spatialgraph()
. The input to is a matrix (i.e., a row vector) of spatial distances. The output of must be either a scalar; a vector of the same dimension as the feature vectors of the previous layer; or, if the features vectors of the previous layer are scalars, a vector of arbitrary dimension. To promote identifiability, the weights are normalised to sum to one (row-wise) within each neighbourhood set. By default, is taken to be a multilayer perceptron with a single hidden layer, although a custom choice for this function can be provided using the keyword argument w
: dimension of input features.out
: dimension of output features.g = relu
: activation function.bias = true
: add learnable bias?init = glorot_uniform
: initialiser for , , and .f = nothing
w = nothing
w_width = 128
(applicable only ifw = nothing
): the width of the hidden layer in the MLP used to model .w_out = in
(applicable only ifw = nothing
): the output dimension of .
using NeuralEstimators, Flux, GraphNeuralNetworks
# Toy spatial data
n = 250 # number of spatial locations
m = 5 # number of independent replicates
S = rand(n, 2) # spatial locations
Z = rand(n, m) # data
g = spatialgraph(S, Z) # construct the graph
# Construct and apply spatial graph convolution layer
l = SpatialGraphConv(1 => 10)
Output layers
In addition to the standard activation functions provided by Flux (e.g., relu
, softplus
), the following layers can be used at the end of an architecture to ensure valid estimates for certain models. Note that the Flux layer Parallel
can be useful for applying several different parameter constraints, as shown in the Univariate data example.
Although we may conceptualise the following types as "output activation functions", they should be treated as separate layers included in the final stage of a Flux Chain()
. In particular, they cannot be used as the activation function of a Dense
— TypeCompress(a, b, k = 1)
Layer that compresses its input to be within the range a
and b
, where each element of a
is less than the corresponding element of b
The layer uses a logistic function,
where the arguments a
and b
together combine to shift and scale the logistic function to the range (a
, b
), and the growth rate k
controls the steepness of the curve.
The logistic function given here contains an additional parameter, θ₀, which is the input value corresponding to the functions midpoint. In Compress
, we fix θ₀ = 0, since the output of a randomly initialised neural network is typically around zero.
using NeuralEstimators, Flux
a = [25, 0.5, -pi/2]
b = [500, 2.5, 0]
p = length(a)
K = 100
θ = randn(p, K)
l = Compress(a, b)
n = 20
θ̂ = Chain(Dense(n, p), l)
Z = randn(n, K)
— TypeCorrelationMatrix(d)
(object::CorrelationMatrix)(x::Matrix, cholesky::Bool = false)
Transforms a vector 𝐯 ∈ ℝᵈ to the parameters of an unconstrained d
correlation matrix or, if cholesky = true
, the lower Cholesky factor of an unconstrained d
correlation matrix.
The expected input is a Matrix
with T(d
-1) = (d
÷2 rows, where T(d
-1) is the (d
-1)th triangular number (the number of free parameters in an unconstrained d
correlation matrix), and the output is a Matrix
of the same dimension. The columns of the input and output matrices correspond to independent parameter configurations (i.e., different correlation matrices).
Internally, the layer constructs a valid Cholesky factor 𝐋 for a correlation matrix, and then extracts the strict lower triangle from the correlation matrix 𝐑 = 𝐋𝐋'. The lower triangle is extracted and vectorised in line with Julia's column-major ordering: for example, when modelling the correlation matrix
the rows of the matrix returned by a CorrelationMatrix
layer are ordered as
which means that the output can easily be transformed into the implied correlation matrices using vectotril
and Symmetric
See also CovarianceMatrix
using NeuralEstimators, LinearAlgebra, Flux
d = 4
l = CorrelationMatrix(d)
p = (d-1)*d÷2
θ = randn(p, 100)
# Returns a matrix of parameters, which can be converted to correlation matrices
R = l(θ)
R = map(eachcol(R)) do r
R = Symmetric(cpu(vectotril(r, strict = true)), :L)
R[diagind(R)] .= 1
# Obtain the Cholesky factor directly
L = l(θ, true)
L = map(eachcol(L)) do x
# Only the strict lower diagonal elements are returned
L = LowerTriangular(cpu(vectotril(x, strict = true)))
# Diagonal elements are determined under the constraint diag(L*L') = 𝟏
L[diagind(L)] .= sqrt.(1 .- rowwisenorm(L).^2)
L[1] * L[1]'
— TypeCovarianceMatrix(d)
(object::CovarianceMatrix)(x::Matrix, cholesky::Bool = false)
Transforms a vector 𝐯 ∈ ℝᵈ to the parameters of an unconstrained d
covariance matrix or, if cholesky = true
, the lower Cholesky factor of an unconstrained d
covariance matrix.
The expected input is a Matrix
with T(d
) = d
+1)÷2 rows, where T(d
) is the d
th triangular number (the number of free parameters in an unconstrained d
covariance matrix), and the output is a Matrix
of the same dimension. The columns of the input and output matrices correspond to independent parameter configurations (i.e., different covariance matrices).
Internally, the layer constructs a valid Cholesky factor 𝐋 and then extracts the lower triangle from the positive-definite covariance matrix 𝚺 = 𝐋𝐋'. The lower triangle is extracted and vectorised in line with Julia's column-major ordering: for example, when modelling the covariance matrix
the rows of the matrix returned by a CovarianceMatrix
are ordered as
which means that the output can easily be transformed into the implied covariance matrices using vectotril
and Symmetric
See also CorrelationMatrix
using NeuralEstimators, Flux, LinearAlgebra
d = 4
l = CovarianceMatrix(d)
p = d*(d+1)÷2
θ = randn(p, 50)
# Returns a matrix of parameters, which can be converted to covariance matrices
Σ = l(θ)
Σ = [Symmetric(cpu(vectotril(x)), :L) for x ∈ eachcol(Σ)]
# Obtain the Cholesky factor directly
L = l(θ, true)
L = [LowerTriangular(cpu(vectotril(x))) for x ∈ eachcol(L)]
L[1] * L[1]'